Acquisition Management
Kenjya-Trusant is a premier provider of acquisition management support services and specialists for the Intelligence Community (IC) and DoD. We currently provide acquisition management support services for the IC under the Enterprise Program Management (EPM) III Business Acquisition (BA) 1, 6, 8, and 9 contracts. Highlights from our corporate resume include:
- Joint Staff J8 and ODNI Gatekeeper process: Kenjya-Trusant developed the Joint Staff J8 and ODNI Gatekeeper process and facilitated it on a monthly basis to more efficiently shepherd program requirements through the Joint Staff’s Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems (JCIDS) or ODNI’s ICCR process. This innovation facilitated agreements between the Joint Staff and the ODNI on programs of mutual interest (where validation authority overlapped) regarding which validation process would take precedence. It has successfully reduced validation times and ensured both validation bodies can express their interests and concerns to the relevant program management office submitting the requirements documents.
- Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC): Kenjya-Trusant has led over 30 JCIDS documents through the JROC, which has entailed coordinating and achieving consensus with up to 40 DoD entities to include Combatant Commands advocating for their coalition partners.
- Analysis of Alternatives (AoA): Kenjya-Trusant adapted the IC’s existing AoA methodology from one designed to support Tier 1 and ACAT level program decisions to one capable of meeting mission sponsor needs on a smaller, more agile scale. This process continued to use the fundamentals of the assessment of performance, cost, and risk, but was also able to incorporate smaller mission and business drivers into the analysis process. This included the use of fast heuristics, Value Focused Modeling, use case and scenario development, and user observation for data gathering.
- JCIDS: As the JCIDS authority for a member of the IC, Kenjya-Trusant developed the instructional materials, provided instructors and trained Agency personnel in JCIDS.
- Requirements Documentation: Kenjya-Trusant supports the DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) PMO (an Acquisition Category [ACAT] Level 1 program that is accountable for providing the PKI framework and services to enable the generation, production, distribution, control, accounting and destruction of all DoD public key certificates. Kenjya-Trusant works closely with the DoD PKI user and test communities to fully understand their systems and security requirements to support the infrastructure and design of the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) expansion, and the Joint Tactical Remote Environment (JTRE) tactical implementation involving the evaluation of specific technical issues associated with the JTRE network connectivity. Additionally, we supported the Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 12 Implementation/Enhanced Status Quo that required the migration to stronger algorithms to foster interoperability with the Federal Bridge Certificate Authority and Personal Identity Verification.
The Kenjya-Trusant Group developed and instructed strategic planning, the capability development process, capability based assessment /requirements management, PPBE, and acquisition courses at the National Cryptologic School (NCS), including ODNI and DoD processes and illustrated how IC Intelligence Program Budget Submission (IPBS) results fed the IPPBE process. We understand the critical linkage between the National Security Strategy (NSS) and the DoD strategic guidance in other documents and activities, such as the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), Unifying Intelligence Strategy (UIS), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Priority Frameworks, Consolidated Intelligence Guidance (CIG), Executive Committee (EXCOM) and Deputy Executive Committee (DEXCOM) meetings, Major Issue Studies, and National Defense Strategy (NDS), and the process to produce these documents.